In-game commands documentation
This page provides documentation about all currently supported user commands available in-game listed by category and requirements.
Kotone global commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%help | None | Shows a list of all commands in-game | %help |
%roll <0-100> | %die %dice |
Roll an n-sided die where n could also be a string signifying something stupid like %roll chance of winning |
%roll 20 %roll amount of maps we should play |
%block | None | Block a user from dm-ing you | %block Kotone |
%unblock | None | Unblock a user | %unblock Kotone |
%reconnect | None | Make your client forcefully reconnect to the server | %reconnect |
%maplink | %bloodcat %altlink |
Get an alternative download link for the most recently /np -ed map |
/np %maplink |
%recent [<user>] | %rs | Show information about your or another player's most recent score | %rs %rs Kotone |
%top <mode> [<user>] | None | Show information about your or another player's top 10 plays for a given gamemode | %top vn!std %top vn!mania Kotone |
%request | %req | Allows you to request your last /np -ed unranked map for ranking. |
/np %request |
Kotone dm-specific commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%with <params> | %w | Allows you to specify mode-specific arguments for retreiving performance information when using /np . |
osu! example:/np %with HDDTHR 2m %with 1m osu!mania example: /np %with DT 800k %with 950k |
%getapikey | None | Generates an api key that could be used in an integration or for supporter related features. | %getapikey |
Kotone multiplayer-specific commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%mp help | None | Shows all multiplayer commands | %mp help |
%mp start <seconds/force> | %mp st | Start the current multiplayer match with or without a timeout. If force is used, the match will start regardless of the amount of players ready. |
%mp start %mp start 5 %mp st force |
%mp abort | None | Abort the currently in-progress multiplayer match | %mp abort |
%mp map <beatmap_id> | None | Set the currently selected map in the multiplayer match. | %mp map 2781571 |
%mp mods <mods> | None | Set mods for the multiplayer match | %mp mods NM %mp mods DTHR %mp mods DTHRFLRXHDSO |
%mp freemods <on/off> | %mp fm %mp fmods |
Free mods for the match. | %mp fm on %mp fmods off |
%mp randpw | None | Toggle on and randomize the current match's password. | %mp randpw |
%mp invite <user> | %mp inv | Send an invite for the current match to a user. | %mp inv Kotone |
%mp addref <user> | None | Add a match referee. | %mp addref Kotone |
%mp rmref <user> | None | Remove referee from the match. | %mp rmref Kotone |
%mp listref | None | List all referees for the current match | %mp listref |
%mp lock | None | Locks the current multiplayer match | %mp lock |
%mp unlock | None | Unlocks the current multiplayer match | %mp unlock |
%mp teams <team_type> | None | Change the current match's team mode | %mp teams coop %mp teams head-to-head %mp teams team-vs |
%mp condition <win_condition> | %mp cond | Change the win condition for the current match | %mp cond sv2 |
Kotone multiplayer-specific scrim commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%mp scrim <best_of_points> | %mp autoref | Start a match scrim | %mp scrim |
%mp endscrim | None | End the current ongoing match's scrim. | %mp endscrim |
%mp rematch | %mp rmatch | Restart a scrim or roll back the previous match point. | %mp rematch |
Kotone multiplayer-specific map pool commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%mp loadpool <pool_name> | %mp lp | Load a map pool in the current match. | %mp loadpool 10_star_tourney_pool |
%mp unloadpool | %mp ulp | Unload the current match's loaded map pool. | %mp ulp |
%mp ban <pick> | None | Ban a pick from the currently loaded map pool | %mp ban DT1 |
%mp unban <pick> | None | Unban a pick from the currently loaded map pool | %mp unban NM3 |
%mp pick <pick> | None | Pick a map from the currently loaded map pool. | %mp pick HR2 |
Kotone map pool management commands
Pools can only be created by tournament managers
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%pool help | %pool h | Shows help about map pool commands. | %pool help |
%pool create <name> | %pool c | Create a new map pool. | %pool create 10_star_tourney_pool |
%pool delete <name> | %pool del %pool d |
Remove a map pool. | %pool del 10_star_tourney_pool |
%pool add <pool_name> <pick> | %pool a | Add your most recently /np -ed map to an existing map pool as a specified pick. |
/np %pool add 10_star_tourney_pool DT2 |
%pool remove <pool_name> <pick> | %pool rem %pool rm %pool r |
Remove a pick from the selected map pool. | %pool rem 10_star_tourney_pool DT2 |
%pool info <pool_name> | %pool i | Get information about the selected map pool | %pool i 10_star_tourney_pool |
%pool list | %pool l | List all existing map pools | %pool list |
Kotone clan user commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%clan help | %clan h | Shows help about available clan commands. (Including clan management commands if you have supporter) | %clan help |
%clan list | %clan l | List all currently existing clans | %clan list |
%clan info <tag> | %clan i | Get information about a clan by a given tag | %clan info KZH |
%clan leave | None | Leave the clan you are currently in. | %clan leave |
Currently disabled:
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%clan accept <tag> | %clan join | Accept a clan invite from a specific clan by their tag. | %clan accept KZH |
%clan decline <tag> | %clan ignore %clan discard |
Discard/Decline a clan invite from a specific clan by their tag. | %clan decline KZH |
Kotone clan management commands
Clans can only be created and managed by supporters
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%clan create <tag> <name> | %clan c | Creates a new clan with a given tag and nameNOTE: The quotes are required only if using spaces in the arguments. |
%clan create "KZH" "Kazakhstan" |
%clan disband | %clan delete %clan d |
Disband your currently owned clan. |
%clan d |
Currently disabled:
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%clan invite <user> | %clan inv | Send a clan invite to the specified user. They can accept or decline this invite using %clan accept <tag> or %clan decline <tag> |
%clan inv Kotone |
Kotone secret commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Examples |
%izlizai | None | Kicks you out of the game. | %izlizai |
%tedi <0-200> | None | Sends "tedi" n amount of times in the multiplayer chat.NOTE: Only available in multiplayer lobbies. |
%tedi 200 |